
Onyx Private Limited was established and registered on 07th May 2007 with the utmost importance to provide Human Resource solutions to businesses in Maldives.

With an enthusiastic work force equipped with wealth of experience and knowledge “Onyx” has been providing services to selected clients. Our intention of selecting clients rather than catering for the mass market is to provide the best for the employee as well as the employer.

With multinational contracted agencies and contacts from Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines etc... “Onyx” has been blessed so far of providing the best and meets our client’s requirement plus expectations. Over the years “Onyx” has set and maintained a standard of providing the most suitable candidate who meets the client’s criteria’s.

“Onyx” has been and will always be a prompt, professional and reliable one-stop source of recruitment services provider ranging from Skilled, Semi Skilled and Unskilled labour.

Our professional team will save employers and job seekers a fortune in time by eliminating the frustration and providing the client with the exact employee searching for. We are confident in the quality & precision of our services, that we provide a 100% Total Satisfaction Guarantee.